Coronavirus Statement (18th March 2020)

Headway Arts

We wanted to share with you our plans regarding the Coronavirus (COVID-19) situation and measures we are taking to reduce risk to our fantastic Headway Arts Community.

Here is the latest information:

• The Stars! workshops are cancelled (from Fri 20th March) until we hear it is safe for us to re-open– this includes all drama, dance, arts, singing and circus groups at Headway ArtSpace.

We know that our work is a good mental health and well-being lifeline for many of our group members and so are offering online workshops which can be accessed safely. Disruption to routines is challenging, especially for learning disabled people, so we are keen to continue to connect using digital technology. We will be

– live streaming workshops

– posting online activities

– sending out by email challenges that our groups can do at home.

We can offer support and advice with this and we ask carers families and supporters to help.

• From Sill to Sea is supported by The National Lottery Heritage Fund. Rehearsals and dates for our touring production have been postponed, following government advice to avoid meeting in small or large gatherings. We will continue to work with FilmAble on our films and website for this project and new tour dates will be announced after Easter.

• Our Beautiful Difference Project supported by Arts Council has just begun and we are working to support our learning disabled artists to work online. Digital access and tech is a big part of this project – just now happening earlier than expected!

• The Releasing Potential Course is now postponed, new dates to be announced after Easter.

• Our Easter/Spring events programme has been cancelled but we will be setting up exciting things for our 25 birthday events later in the year.

We’d like to thank all our funders for being flexible and understanding at this difficult time.

Headway ArtSpace is temporarily closed but all staff are still working from home and can be contacted via email Monday to Friday. You can still leave a message on the office landline but we may not get it straight away, so there may be a delay in replying.

If you have any questions please email or call us on 01670 351962.

Check out our up to the minute info on our twitter feed and website.

Keep calm and carry on being creative!

From all at Headway Arts


You can support Headway Arts by playing the Northumberland Lottery online or by making a donation through Facebook.

We gratefully acknowledge the generous support of all our funders which recently includes:

  • Architectural Heritage Fund
  • Arts Council England
  • Blyth Town Council
  • Community Foundation
  • Edward Gostling Foundation – RW Mann Trust – Shears Foundation
  • Erasmus+
  • Hadrian Trust – High Sheriff of Northumberland – Rothley Trust
  • Henry Smith
  • Heritage Fund
  • National Lottery Community Fund
  • North East Combined Authority
  • Northumberland County Council
  • Postcode Community Trust
  • Scope
  • Sir James Knott Trust
  • The 1989 Willan Trust – Wellesley Trust
  • the Coalfields Regeneration Trust
  • This project is part-funded by the UK government through the UK Shared Prosperity Fund
  • This project is part-funded by the UK government through the UK Shared Prosperity Fund – North of Tyne Combined Authority