Blyth Community Carnival Update
After working with you all over the last 3 years to develop Blyth Community Carnival, we are shockingly, no longer involved with it this year.
After initially offering support for our project Blyth Town Council has since hijacked our project and given it to another organisation (who are not Blyth based) to deliver. We wish them no ill but are stunned by these actions and disappointed not to be able to work with our local community as planned, with whom we delivered a fantastic event last year.
We are also shocked that, as a Blyth based charity working hard with the most disadvantaged groups, disabled children and learning disabled people in our community, our local council has chosen to take away an active project from our participants.
Apologies for disappointment to all groups we have begun Carnival productions with, at this stage we are unable to continue with the workshops you have booked as the funding has been reallocated by Blyth Town Council.
Carnival Club is also cancelled for the foreseeable. We will be in touch soon though.
Our working party has met and looked at the way forward and are determined to continue developing this project in some way. Headway Arts also have lots of other projects in the pipeline in which we hope you can be involved. We’ll be in touch about these soon.
Best wishes
Fran, Allie & All the Headway Arts Team
Posted on April 30th 2018