Stars Trek Spooky Sponsored Walk 2017

Join us on Tuesday 31st October at 4.30pm as we trek along to Ridley Park with our spooky lanterns!
Anyone who would like to join us is more than welcome. As it’s Halloween you might like to wear a ghoulish gown or a creepy costume!
If you can spare a few quid to sponsor us it would be greatly appreciated.
Headway Arts is a registered charity so if you choose to Gift Aid your donation we will receive an extra 25%. Contact us for more info.
To donate via text:
Text STAR27 and your amount (£1, £2, £3, £4, £5 or £10) to 70070.
The text is free to send. The amount you’re donating will be added to your mobile phone bill or deducted from your pay as you go credit.
To donate online:
Donations can be made online via The Big Give.
You can also donate cash or via cheque made out to Headway Arts.
Thank you!
>> Download Stars Trek Sponsor Form 2017
Posted on September 11th 2017